Evening launch
Our book launch had two sessions in the morning and the evening. During the evening we had talks by Seppe Cassettari on how mapping technology influenced our book and Berenice Smith on the story behind our book and self publishing. They were so popular, we had to run them twice! Here Seppe, is taking questions from the audience.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Cambridgeshire Family History Society
The CFHS were kept very busy all evening with lots of questions on the Day family who are featured in Balsham, a village story, 1617-2017.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Evening book launch
Dr. Seppe Cassettari spoke on how mapping technology influenced our book.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
We ran a show to keep inform our visitors, you can see this on the home page of our website too.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
We were thrilled that so many Balsham residents came to collect their book. Author Pat Faircloth had a great system in place to make sure everyone who arrived got their copy quickly and efficiently. Thank you Pat!
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
Front row seats at our evening talks.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
We were so lucky to have a beautiful venue at The Black Bull pub in Balsham, also featured in our book as one of the oldest buildings in the village. Thanks to the staff for looking after us so well.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
Author Jan Ellam at the launch. Jan wrote lots of articles including farms, buildings from 1617 and the pubs and trades. She also has a lot of lovely photos from the village history and we're so grateful for her contrition to the book.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
When we arrived for the morning launch, we had queue! Wow! Thank you for showing your support!
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
Author Ian Creek was taking orders for the paid books. He was helped by his mum Dorothy who arrived to show her support for our project. Dorothy is a member of the Barrington History group!
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden

Book launch
The lovely room at The Black Bull Balsham.
Photo copyright Balsham Map Project and Dick Paden