First proofs away

The proofs are on their way to the team to check. The designer has sent two PDF files, one is a low quality for email and the other a huge beast that needs to be downloaded. This is because we have so many wonderful photos and maps in our book.

The next step is for the team to read their articles and it'll be the first time they will all have seen the pages in a book form and not in Word. If you see happy faces in Balsham this week, we hope it's one of the map team having seen their proof! 

The team will print out the material and then mark up the pages with pen or annotate onto a PDF ready to hand back the proofs to the designer on 4th August. Berenice will then collate the comments, apply the changes and issue a second proof. We're aiming for three proofs and one final check with the printer but we're very conscious of best laid plans! Even the best publishers find the slide to the deadline very quick we're told!

And what of the cover I hear you ask? It's currently being set up, Berenice is bringing several designs for us to look at on 4th August and we're going to select one then. 

It's fair to say, we're all very excited by the latest progress.